What would today be like

if you were looking forward to tomorrow?

Let’s Find Out!

EMDR Therapy in Houston, TX

Leave the Past Behind You

Painful, traumatic, and distressing memories from your past have kept you from truly enjoying your life for a long time.

In fact, it feels as if those experiences have been making your decisions and running your life for so long now that it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what feels wrong anymore. You have done everything to let go, feel happy, and make healthier choices.

But nothing seems to work.

Sometimes your days are on autopilot, a series of coping strategies that keep you moving from one minute to the next, but never really allowing you to enjoy, so much as survive, life.

It doesn’t have to be this way!

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapeutic approach that helps your brain reprocess disturbing events so that you may heal and adapt in a more positive way to life around you.

This powerful neurological approach works rapidly to help your brain heal from these memories and look forward to a future that feels healthy, bright, and free.

Take Steps Toward Your Emotional Freedom

Through our work together, we will identify the issues bringing you to therapy. I will answer any questions you may have about trauma treatment using EMDR as a modality – and we will discuss your goals for the future.

Call (832) 308-8275 now to set up your free consultation.